I24NEWS - Horns of Hattin participants interview. ( Eng).
Educational chennal. (Hebrew)
Article in the site“X-net”, 07/2018
“מורה הדרך מירושלים עוטה גלימה, אוחז בחרב ויוצא למסע במאה ה-12”
Article in the magazine “Maariv”, 07/2018
“קרב קרני חיטין חוזר לתחייה, וגם הפעם צלאח א-דין ינצח“
Article in the jewish history magazine “Segula”, 07/2018
Hattin Battle renactment. 1187-2017. i24 NEWS HOLY LAND UNCOVERED. (English)
Article in the newspaper “Haaretz” 4/07/2016
Israelis Reenact Crusader-era Battle of Hattin (eng)
Report about the Horns of Hattin 2015 — Israel channel i24NEWS (eng)

Report about the Horns of Hattin 2015 — Israel channel 10(Hebrew)
Interview with Genady Nizhnik on BN homesite (eng)

Modern Day. Crusiders march toword Tiberias in Hattin battle reenactment
“Jerusalem Post” 3/07/2014(eng)

Article in the newspaper “Ha-Aretz” 2014 הצלבנים חוזרים (heb)

Report about the Festival of Middle Ages in Jerusalem
on the 2 channel of the Israeli television (heb) 30.10.2013

Horns of Hattin 2013 – TV-9 israel. (rus)
Article in the newspaper “Jediot Ierushalaim. musaf”, 10/2013 “אלוהים אבירים”
Article in the magazine “Le Isha”, 10/2013 - “כאן השריונים“