Attendance and Participation Regulations for Horns of Hattin
Essential clothing and equipment components for both armies (civilians and military).
hose, chemise , and braies are minimum set of European underwear you need to enter the camp. Wearing but underwear outside the camp is only allowed for penitents, convicted elements or captives. Clothing fabric and dress code should comply with your role.
For Saracens and turcopoles:
a shirt, wide trousers (shalvars) and jellabiya and/or oriental robe (Aba) as outerwear.
Remember: civilians and militaries without armor should have at least two clothing layers.
We accept only clothing made of natural fabrics: silk, linen, wool, thick cloth, cotton, and natural mixes like linen-cotton or mulcham. Homespun fabric and natural local dyes are a plus. Choosing the fabric, please do not forget about the weather.
Headwear is a must-wear for everyone, from a Sultan to a camp follower.
It’s going to be HOT there.
Rusk or pilgrim bag:
This bag holds everything you want to use on march including your daytime snack - and your spare water flasks too.
Civilians (in the first instance) might be arranged to carry extra weight, water capacities for example. Mindyourbagsagain.
Dinner set:
You might want to choose a wooden set over a ceramic or a metal .
Daytime snacks:
Hunger usually recedes during the march. Besides, it’s better not to burden your stomach. Your ration should only include the foods that fit into the time frame and are popular in that time’s Holy Land. Make sure to bring dried fruit for glucose and salted foods for hydrochloric balance.
Sleeping accessories and night quarters:
We will make two camps and sleep in authentic tents or out in the open - the climate affords it in Holy Land. You should have something to sleep on and a coverlet. You’ll be well enough with two woolen blankets. You will only need tents as a matter of state and to distract the mosquitoes .
Inauthentic or nylon tents “happened around” would be removed from the camping zone.
Water containers.
It is absolutely necessary to have with you every participant !!!
Personal flask for at least 1 liter (the more is the better). The larger is your flask the less you would have to run for barrels during the stops. The flask should not prevent you from moving freely during march or fight. There are the following options: leather or ceramic* flasks, pumpkin , waterskins, leather bottls. Wooden casks carried by one or two pilgrims.
*Remember that ceramics might break during such a march.
Attention all!! Water!!In our situation, there can’t be enough water. Remember why we didn’t make it once? Day water supply for a participant in full war equipment is 8 liters! Civilians must have 5-6 liters each. Do not forget about the horses. Each participant should bring at least 1.5 liters of water for the first evening and the morning after. We will be only able to replenish supplies at the first day of the march, five kilometers from the start in Hoshaya village. Next time, we have access to water supplies in the second camp. Until then, we bring all our water with us. You can replenish your personal flasks from the barrels and additional capacities carried by pack animals and men. Make sure your water remains distributed evenly on both sides of the pack animal!
Should fit the format. All participants must be wearing historical turnshoes. It is recommended to wear foot pattens- pamputi over the shoes. This will protect the soles of your feet. Participants coming for the first time and reenacting very poor people can also wear foot wraps. Patterns for foot pattens are attached. Historical shoes can be purchased from the organizers (if they have available sizes), or ordered from any craftsman. Eastern high boots are only allowed to Salah ad-Din’s soldiers, turcopoles, or those who proved their “oriental-likeliness” with history-based legend.
We strongly recommend that you insert thick felt insoles into your shoes.
It is obligatory to have a telephone for communication, money in case of emergency and an insurance policy for foreigners.
For those who participate in the last battle on Freyday, hidden armor is a plus.
All current information and clothing patterns are posted on the event's Facebook page:
Attention! Warning: Any non-compliance with the project requirements should be validated by the hosting team
Please see below for detailed instruction. Please remember that your own safety or that of your friends may depend on your compliance with the event rules.
A participant violating the rules can be banned from the project any time and without compensation.
Some rules and regulations are subject to elaboration, change, and extension before the date of event. Please follow our updates.

