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Sponsors and Donators


These are the organizations, institutions and private businesses that have provided financial support to the reconstruction of the battle at the Horns of Hattin. We thank these people and these organizations, without whose assistance the project might not be as effective.

Lower Galilee Regional Council. A special thanks to the chairman of the council, NitzanPeleg  for his solution of complicated logistics of our project and significant support.


We wholeheartedly thank the Regional Council of  Jezreel Valleyl and its chairman Eyal Bezer for broad support of the Battle of  Hattin re-enactment  event.


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We, the participants and organizers of the Battle of the Horns of Hattin reenactment and members of the Kingdom of Jerusalem Club, would like to thank our friend Omar from the "De Maria" restaurant at Magdala Beach for his generous donation of quality food items.
Thank you.

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