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Back to the Middle Ages – Reenactment of the 1187 Battle of Hattin

(02-04.07, 2025)

Reenactment of the 1187 Battle of Hattin will take place from June  July 3-5.

It’s reenactment of one of the most significant battles of the Crusader Era, the Battle of Hattin, that will take place on its 837 nd anniversary

(2-4/07/2024) and includes a two-day journey culminating in the3 reenactment of the battle itself.

Every year, the Regnum Hierosolymitanum, history reenactment group along with other similar groups from Israel and overseas (Germany, Russia and Ukraine, Poland, Cyprus, Moldova and the United States), reconstructs the events surrounding the Battle of Hattin in the actual landscape and in conditions similar to those that was prevailing at the time.

This project stands on a lot of an academic and archaeological sources research that was made. Including the region, battle, period and more.
The Horns of Hattin march is a living history event. All attendees actively participate in the reenactment and are assigned to one of two armies: King of Jerusalem Guy de Lusignan or Salah ad-Din. Characters include: knights, professional mercenaries, members of the military orders, horseback riders, Mamelukes, pilgrims, countrymen, city dwellers, Bedouins, musicians, and others.



Important points to note:

  • The project is non-profit. All participants are volunteers who have contributed to the event.

  • The project takes place as a private initiative of an Israeli historical reenactment group, Regnum Hierosolymitanum, and reenactors from other countries. The participation is in coordination with the club's management, which includes the dress code and appropriate equipment.​

  • The battle reconstruction project as it said takes place in Horns of Hattin and is open to the public. At the same time, we are demand to preserve the authenticity of the event and its contents and therefore it is NOT a commercial festival. Direct participation in the project will be permitted only to those who register, and will require a dress-code and equipment according to a predefined standard. However, we - reenactors of the battle sense commitment to the community and the audience and we want to share with the public the existence and content of the event. This enables us to make the history accessible to the public, in combination with important social messages such as an authentic and unmediate
    connection to the historical and cultural landscape of the Land of Israel, promoting ecotourism, sustain of historical sites and landscape in the Galilee, We will be very pleased to explain, detail and tell the story of the battle and personal story of the historical figures from more than 800 years ago and also the story of the reenacting fighters in our days.

  • During the event, it will be possible to interview the participants by prior arrangement and only at meeting points with the media and the audience, (those marked with route).

  • To maintain the level of authenticity in the project, we ask you respect the personal space of project participants and not to enter the event area without authorization.

  • Filming is allowed anywhere, but only outside the compound. Please care not to enter the camp or the journey without authorization.
    The project is a dynamic historical reenactment. You can follow the route of the march by map and locate the participants at various points during the three-day journey, at the stations and in the lodging camps.
    The event is not insured and your safety is in your hands. Be sure to bring your headgear and water, and listen to the instructions of the organizers crew!

Filming is allowed anywhere, but only outside the compound. Care should be taken not to penetrate the camp or the journey without authorization.

The project is a dynamic historical reenactment. You can follow the route of the march by map and locate the participants at various points during the three-day journey, at the stations and in the lodging camps.

The event is not insured and your safety is in your hands. Be sure to bring your headgear and water, and listen to the instructions of the organizers!



About "Regnum Hierosolymitanum":


The Regnum Hierosolymitanum group carries out historical reenactments of significant events that occurred in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, focusing on the second and third quarters of the 12th century, before the destruction of the Kingdom (which followed its defeat at the Battle of Hattin in 1187).


The project organizer Genadiy Nizhnik, is an expert in medieval and biblical archeology and heads the "Kingdom of Jerusalem" group.


During the journey (3-5.07.2024), there will be various stops along the way, near the Zippori spring, inside Hoshaya - in the Kedem village.

During the event, it will be possible to interview the participants by prior arrangement and only at meeting points with the media and the audience, (those marked with route).

Key Times and Points for Visitors, Photographers and Reporters

July 2 - First day of operation:

The place: Zippori Springs, the first camp. The gathering area of ​​the army

16: 30-18: 30 open hours to visitors. This is the place and the right time to speak with the media and the photographers on the side.

Thursday, July 2nd - The Beginning of the Journey:

05:30-08:30 – Folding of the camp and leaving the camp.

09:30 – First stop - in the woods near the entrance to the Tzippori national park

11:00 – Second stop at Kedem village (Moshav Hoshaya).


July 3

At noon, the detachment crosses Route 77 in the area of the Zipori industrial zone and moves east along the Roman road (a dirt road going north and parallel to the route). Two kilometers east of Kana Galilel (Kfar Kana), the detachment leaves for the forest south of Route 77


19:00 – Arriving to the second camp at “Lavi” forest.


Friday July 4.Marching to Horns of Hattin, The Battle:

9.00-9.30 – Preparations and departure,

10.00 – First stop near the cemetery in the Lavi forest,

10.00-10.30 – Second stop at the “Shomer Hadash” farm at an observation point,

13.30 – Movement of the Crusader forces to Hattin Mount.

14:00-15:00 – Battle of Hattin.



How to get Horns of Hattin:

Entrance to the battlefield through Kibbutz Lavi



Visit the web site at





For more information:


Head of the historical reenactment club:

Gennady Nizhnik +972-52-5696037


Information during the event:

Ana Shtern, +972-54-4704687.

Сountries participating in the project:


Curator of the event:


Logistic  and

technical info:


Contact person

for participants:


Find us:

  • YouTube Social  Icon
  • Vkontakte Social Icon
  • Facebook Reflection

Genadiy Nizhnik aka Fritz

Tel: +972 525 69 6037



Alex Blumkin

Tel: +972 545532***



Alexey Kolchurin

Tel: +972 542064645


Contact person during the project:

Ana Shtern

Tel: +972544704687 


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